AMERICANS NOT FOOLED – Two Thirds of Americans Believe 2020 Election was Rigged, The Feds Incited Jan 6, and the Bidens are a Crime Family

Started by Bossman, Aug 13, 2023, 09:40 AM

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This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

Two out of three Americans are awake and not woke.  They see that truth behind the many lies from the Democrats and their corrupt media and Big Tech.

In April, a poll at Rasmussen Reports reported that two-thirds of Americans suspect that the Feds incited the Jan 6 riots.

This poll was before the former head of the Capitol Police spoke with Tucker Carlson and shared that Jan 6 was all a setup to get President Trump.

In May, a poll by Rasmussen Reports found that 62% of Americans believed that the 2020 Election was stolen.  This number has grown over time.

Also in May, a super majority of Americans per a Rasmussen poll showed that they believed the Biden gang's crimes related to foreign influence peddling were a big deal.

These poll results agree with a Daily Mail poll from today that show:

Americans by wide margins say President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, violated a law against peddling foreign influence, a poll shows, amid swirling allegations about the first family's business dealings.

Fully 63 percent of voters say the president breached the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which obliges people to declare foreign interests, when he served as vice president and his son worked with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

Americans know the truth and are going around the many lies from the globalist, evil, criminal, communist and corrupt left and their fake media pushers.

Read the original article, here