Huge array of news sites and other websites

Started by Bossman, Jul 30, 2023, 09:24 AM

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Daily Links
Amazon UK / Ebay UK

News Sites
AA / BBC / Breitbart / Daily Caller / Daily Mail / Daily Mirror / Daily Wire / Earth's Newspaper / Express / Feedspot / GB News / Get Indian News / Ground News / Infowars / Ins For Gov / Israel News / NDTV / Newsmax / News Wars / OAN / Politico / PJ Media / Red Pill Expo / Rebel News / Reuters / RT Com / Sputnik / Telegraph / The Daily Beast / The Epoch Times / The Gateway Pundit / The Guardian / The Conejo Guardian / The Expose / The Local De / The New American / The Rebel Media / The Voice of Europe / The Wall Street Journal / The Remnant News / The Wall Street Journal / Wales Online / The Western Journal / Washington Examiner / ZeroHedge

Middle East Related
Clarion Project / Ex Muslim Org / Gatestone Ins / Jihad Watch / MEMRI / One For Israel (Christ for Jews?) / Religion Of Peace

Achive Org Robert Sepehr / Armstrong Economics / Alex Epstein (Energy) / Brother Nathanael / David Icke / Geoengineering Watch / Jays Analyses / Real Jew News ~ All Videos ~ Last Video Page / Reese Report / The Pete Santilli Show / Turley Talks

Video Sites
Banned Video / Jay Dyer Banned  / Bitchute / Brand New Tube / Brighteon / Dailymotion / D.Tube / Gab TV / Goyim TV / Ickonic / Internet Archie / Odysee / Rumble / Transend Media Service / Utreon / YouTube / YouTube: Calum / Dialogue works / Douglas MacGregorHistory Debunked  / Joe Blogs / Patrick Lancaster / Roger Waters

Social Pages
Avi Yemini / The Truth Hunter / / Stew Peters TV / TMZ

AAPS / CHARLOTTE GERSON / Children's Health Defense \ Defender / Chubbyemu / Clean & Delicious / Daily Clout / Dr. Christiane Northrup / Dr. John Bergman / Dr. Rima Truth Reports / Dr. Robert Morse / Dr. Ryan N Cole / Dr.TomCowan / Frontline MDS / Global Covid Summit / Health Impact News / LifeRegenerator / Mercola / Pandemic News / Prevent Genocide 2030 / Prof Delores Cahill / React19 (covid) / Stop World Control (Chlorine Dioxide) / Survive The Jab / The Covid Blog / The Wellness Company (Dr. Macullough) / Time To Free America / Truth For Health / Vaccine Deceptions / World Doctors Alliance / World Health Organisation / Yummy Doctor

Retalk / Silver Surfers

Brother Nathanael / DaveGreco33 / EarthNewspaper / Fall Cabal / Health Impact News / Ice Age Farmer / joseph Brunner / MediaGiant / Red Pill 78 / RT Documentary / SonOfEnos / tangentopolis (world orders review) / The David Knight Show / Wake The Hell Up! / World Alternative Media


Daniel Davis / Discovery Australia / Donbass Devushka / Douglas Macgregor / Front Page News / Gerald Celente / Lauren Southern / Marty T / Luke Fugate (gas heater thermostat) / Neil Oliver / Russia Insight / Sorelle Amore Finance[/url] / Stephan Gardner / The New Culture Forum / ThisisJohnWilliams / Thomas Sowell Slavery / Vinay Prasad MD MPH

Ren / Tom MacDonald

5 Pillars UK / Activist Post / American Faith / American Periscope / Asia Times / Bailiwick News / Brownstone Institute / Carnegie Endowment For World Peace / Christine Anderson / Club of Rome / Created 4 Health / David Martin / Douglas Macgregor, Ph.D / EarthNewspaper / ECR Group / Epoch TV / European Commission / Forbidden Knowledge TV / Freedom Articles / Free West Media / God in a Nutshell / Henry Makow / Jewish Telegraph Agency / John J. Merasheimer / Leo Zagami / Lew Rockwell / Life Facts / Life Site News / Marine Core Association / Med Forth (Allah's Will Ex) / National Vanguard / Nations in Action / Natural News / Navdanya / NIPCC (climate change) / Open Democracy (George Soros) / Paul Craig Roberts / Peace Dividend / Political Val Craft / President of Russia / RAIR Foundation / Resistance GBRIPT / Russia Briefing / Russia Insider / SAV X / SCG / Sputnik International / State of the Nation / SIAJW / Technocracy News / TeleSUR / The Daily Sceptic / The Daily Stormer / The European Union Times / The FFF / The Great Reset / The Moscow Times / The Occidental Observer / The SCHILLER INSTITUTE / The Unz REview / The Vineyard of the Saker (Russian) / Thomas Sowell (slave historian)/ Trends Journal / Wake The Hell Up! / WEF / Winter Watch / World Socialist Website

Video Channels
America Uncovered / American Conservative Union / ACL - Australian Christian Lobb / Apostate Prophet / AronRa / Bitchute / Black Conservative Patriot / Black Pigeon Speaks / Bode Lang / Boomerang Fighting for Israel / BrexBox / Brightside / Corbettreport / Dinesh D'Souza / Demirep / Doug DeMuro (Car Reviews) / Dr. Bill Warner / Dr. Steve Turley / EUMEL Media Library / FriendsofScience / Hoover Institution / Indigo Traveller / Iqsquared / ITM Trading / Jesse Lee Peterson / Jeff Taylor / Joe Scott / Jordan Peterson / Keith Woods / Kurzgesagt In a Nutshell / Liberty Hound / Lionel Nation / Mahyar Tousi / Mike Dice YouTube / Mike Dice BitChute / Mr Reagan / Nasa / National Geographic / Nigel Farage / Paul Nielsen / Paul Watson / Periscope Films / PragerU / Ramzpaul / Rebel Media / Red Ice TV / Renaissance Horizon / Rochard46 / RonPaulLibertyReport / Russell Brand / Stefan Molyneux / StevenCrowder / StormCloudsGathering / Styxhexenhammer666 / Tech Planet / Ted Interesting Ideas / TEDx Talks / The Great War / The Houndog / The History Guy / The John Birch Society / The Josh Bernstein Show / The Josh Bernstein Backup Show / The NonSequitur Show / Valuetainment / Vsauce / Way of the World / Weird History / World Economic Forum

Energy / Electrical / Innovative Channels
Channel Creative


I shall try out the above links as, no doubt, some no longer work, especially the controversial YouTube links.