‘Sharp Turn to the Right’ — Populist Parties Projected to Win EU Parliament Elections in Nine Nations

Started by Bossman, Jan 27, 2024, 08:45 AM

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The upcoming European Parliament elections will see a "sharp turn to the right" as populist parties are projected to be victorious in at least nine EU member states and come in second or third in a further nine countries.

According to an analysis of opinion polls in each EU member state in combination with statistical modelling based on the previous performance of national parties, the globalist European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think tank has predicted that right-wing populist parties will come out on top in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovakia in the European Parliament elections in June.

Meanwhile, the report predicted that populist parties will also make big gains in Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sweden, where they are on pace to either come in second or third place in the votes.

The surge in populist-nationalist parties will be led by the Identity and Democracy (ID) parliamentary group, which includes the Alternative for Germany (AfD), Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) in France, and the League led by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. According to the projections, ID is set to increase its representation in the EU Parliament by 40 seats to 98 in the 720-seat chamber.

This would make the ID coalition group the third largest force within the parliament, overtaking the Renew Europe (RE) bloc spearheaded by French President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party. This would likely be a major political blow to Macron's globalist government in France and perhaps serve as a blow to his standing throughout Europe.

The predicted surge is redolent of the 2019 European Elections, Britain's last as an EU member state, when Nigel Farage's Brexit Party was so successful it became overnight not just the largest party in the UK in the European Parliament, but the single largest party in the whole of Europe.

The authors said that off the backs of successes last year, notably the sweeping victory of Geert Wilders' Freedom Party (PVV) in November's Dutch general election and the surge in power of the National Rally in France, populist parties are set to continue playing an "important role in shaping European politics" during the EU Parliament elections and beyond.

"The results indicate that the European Parliament will likely take a sharp turn to the right after June 2024. While the parliament is not the most significant EU institution when it comes to foreign policy, the way in which the political groups align after the elections, and the impact that these elections have on national debates in member states, will have significant implications for the European Commission's and Council's ability to make foreign policy choices, most notably in implementing the next phase of the European Green Deal," they said.

Read the rest of the article, here

Admin's Response ...

Trouble is brewing for the EU.