“It Will Be A Shock”: Ukraine Lost 500,000 Soldiers In War So Far, Nearly 30,000 Per Month: Lutsenko Claims

Started by Bossman, Feb 01, 2024, 11:17 AM

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Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers, killed or seriously wounded, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation/invasion, former Prosecutor General and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said on the YouTube channel.

"I think that they should name the number of dead Ukrainians. I know that they don't want this, and it will be taken seriously. Yes, it will be a shock," he said.

According to Lutsenko, Ukraine loses tens of thousands of fighters per month, which is why the Ukrainian military proposed to mobilize half a million people.

"We must honestly say that the 500,000 that are now being talked about if divided into months, is 30 thousand a month, and then we will approximately understand what is happening at the front," he highlighted.

When, in February 2022, Russia began its war in Ukraine, which is also known as 'Special Military Operation' (SMO), American intelligence agencies came up with a hurried speculation stating it would end in days.

Now, after 23 months of the conflict, analysts are saying – the Ukraine war will become a frozen conflict in 2024. There is a clear prediction that the war is either heading towards the sudden surrender of Kyiv or it will continue to no ending point.

Under such circumstances, Western nations, particularly the United States, may not be able to continue their cashflow to Ukraine for an indefinite period as those Western countries already are facing economic crises, growing unemployment, and multiple social issues which would worsen once the Western leaders do not put funding Ukraine into shelves.

But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not going to admit the reality. Instead, according to The Guardian – Ukrainians believe they can win the war, while the UK newspaper said, "... Nonetheless, it is true that the prospect of some decisive breakthrough routing Russian troops from Ukrainian soil looks more remote than ever.

Meanwhile, with another crisis raging in the Middle East, the appetite in Western capitals to keep providing the funding and weapons that Kyiv needs has only diminished".

Read the rest of the article, here

Admin's Response ...

Could this have been avoided?

Tony Blair, Boris & Sunak have pushed hard to keep this war ongoing.  Blair turned up at the behest of Biden right at the beginning of the conflict when a peace deal was on the table and told Zelensky to tear it up (according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr), as did Boris.  Sunak has recently been to Ukraine and signed a pledge that the UK will always come to Ukraine's aid from future Russian aggression.  This means we are legally obligated from here on in.

Look at the insane death toll!

Those poor young men.  It is beyond imagination a peace deal wasn't accepted, the very one Putin wanted right from the beginning.  The West wanted this war and still wants it even now.

To fight on? How? How many people are still in the Ukraine? They have had a mass exodus since this conflict started. So many have been killed or wounded. They must be down to the low 30 million mark by now, possibly much lower. Russia's figure stands at over 140 million. Who in their right mind wants to fight for Ukraine? It is a death sentence.

The Russian war machine has cranked up to full throttle whilst Ukraine's economy has tanked. The place is done for.

What a terrible place Ukraine is. What monsters run the place.

Just unbelievable this could happen in this day and age.

To put this carnage in perspective.

The UK lost 264,443 total for the whole of WW2, from a starting population of 41 million in 1939. Ukraine has already lost double this number and it is still rising. The population of Ukraine was around 45 million before the conflict. Now, as I have already mentioned, that number is way down.

The West instigated this war ON PURPOSE!

As for UK conscription? Just go looking for videos on YouTube to see and hear the thoughts of the UK populace regarding this. No-one wants to fight for this country. Veterans have been treated harshly or with contempt. Those who fought in WW2 or elsewhere no longer recognise the place and wonder what they laid down their lives for. Just read the comments. Everyone hates the government and the elites who have nothing but distain for them.

Whereas in Russia they are still volunteering, apparently, in droves.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains How The Ukraine Russia War Started

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Boris interferes ...

Official: Johnson Forced Kyiv To Refuse Russian Peace Deal

Read the article, here
