Wind farms in NJ killing ocean life

Started by Bossman, Aug 04, 2023, 09:25 AM

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Exclusive — NJ Fishing Pros Warn Offshore Wind Killing Ocean Life: 'Never Seen Anything Remotely Like This' in Half a Century

New Jersey's veteran fishing community fears surveying to install offshore wind turbines near the state's shore is already causing tremendous environmental damage, one local boat captain told Breitbart News, asserting that, in his experience, "dead whales on our beach absolutely and logically have everything to do with the oceanic geo-surveys."

New Jersey is in the process of approving two major offshore wind projects: the Ocean Wind I and II initiatives owned by the Danish "green" energy company Ørsted. Radical leftist Governor Phil Murphy ordered a massive restructuring of the state's power grid in September to become reliant on "100 percent clean energy by 2035" that has enjoyed enthusiastic support from the White House, which approved Ocean Wind I in July.

To install the wind turbines necessary for the projects, engineers must survey and map the ground floor to find the ground best able to sustain the massive structures. The survey work being done in anticipation of the installation of these turbines has coincided with a massive increase in the number of dead whales and other marine mammals off the coasts of New York and New Jersey.

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